
Strategy Department

Currently Open Strategy Jobs

At the moment we only accept unsolicited applications, but please do not hesitate to apply, as we are very much looking forward to it. The following list gives you an overview of the tasks, competencies and responsibilities you can expect if you wish to work in this department.


  • Research on futurology and creation of future related theories, philosophies, and official company statements
  • Development and establishment of the corporate vision, corporate objectives, and overall strategy
  • Development of technical implementation ideas based on vision and strategy and preparing alignment plans for the company with focus on the technology roadmap
  • Continuous requirement engineering for the overall product vision and for each product stage
  • Communication of the vision, mission, and concrete steps within the company and before the public 
  • Implementation of risk analysis and risk management
  • Product management to lead the development in the technology department
  • Identification of cooperation possibilities and contacting, initiation, and ongoing support of these cooperations


  • Curiosity and interest in philosophical discourses about the future
  • Deep understanding of the current technical possibilities in the field of artificial intelligence
  • First-Principle-Thinker and the ability to develop innovative and not yet existing ideas and concepts and to critically reflect on these
  • Knowledge of product management, requirements engineering and risk management techniques and interrelations
  • Strong communication skills
  • Basic hard and soft skills as defined in INVENAUT DNA


  • Internal and external representation of the company vision, corporate alignment, and overall strategy
  • Main responsible for the product management of the INVENAUT game 
  • Ensuring successful and profitable business cooperations

Our Application Process

Please send your application to:

and we will contact you as soon as possible.

1st Step

Please send us your application questionnaire: download here.

The unprejudiced questionnaire focuses on our values and necessary skills of the applicant. No name, date of birth, nationality necessary!

2nd Step

Online or offline Interview and exchange of official details.

Focus on expectation management and clarification of job details. We exchange personal details and get to know each other.

3rd Step

Interview with multiple members of the company and departments.

Presentation about a passionate topic or project of the applicant.

Free brainstorming, working or freestyle coding session.

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